Project Ideas
Lemon Milk Can
For full instruction please see video below. Supply List I painted the Milk Can using White Swan. I then sealed it with Liquid Patina. When you are using a transfer...
Lemon Milk Can
For full instruction please see video below. Supply List I painted the Milk Can using White Swan. I then sealed it with Liquid Patina. When you are using a transfer...
Supply List I Painted the 5.75 x 11.6 Wood Canvas with White Swan. I decoupaged the Chickadee Napkin using Liquid Patina. The word spring was created using the Mini Letters...
Supply List I Painted the 5.75 x 11.6 Wood Canvas with White Swan. I decoupaged the Chickadee Napkin using Liquid Patina. The word spring was created using the Mini Letters...
Wool Market
For full instruction please see video below. Supply List I first painted the wood Paddle in Little Black Dress. I marked off a section with painters tape and painted the...
Wool Market
For full instruction please see video below. Supply List I first painted the wood Paddle in Little Black Dress. I marked off a section with painters tape and painted the...
Buffalo Sign
I have added the video below for full instruction! Supply List I first painted the 12 x 12 x wood Canvas in Dark and Decrepit, its like a stain...
Buffalo Sign
I have added the video below for full instruction! Supply List I first painted the 12 x 12 x wood Canvas in Dark and Decrepit, its like a stain...
Blue Rooster
For the full instruction please see the video below. Supply List I painted the Wood Rooster in Old 57 and Pedal Pusher with a little White Swan. I used the...
Blue Rooster
For the full instruction please see the video below. Supply List I painted the Wood Rooster in Old 57 and Pedal Pusher with a little White Swan. I used the...
3 Easter Tags
Full instruction can be found by watching the video below Supply List Wood eggs are from the dollar tree and I painted them white I used Liquid Patina to decoupage...
3 Easter Tags
Full instruction can be found by watching the video below Supply List Wood eggs are from the dollar tree and I painted them white I used Liquid Patina to decoupage...