Ordering from the United States? Prices on my website are in Canadian dollars. With the exchange rate the amount on your credit card will be lower than the check out price, depending on the exchange rate that day. For example, if you were to spend $40 Canadian your cost will be $30.47 ( exchange rate based on the day this document was created)
Exchange rates link: https://www.ofx.com/en-ca/exchange-rates/
16 x 20 Canvas: art/craft store
DIY Paint: Gypsy Green, Marque, Summer crush, Bohemian Blue, Golden Ticket, Weathered Wood, Little Black Dress, Peddle Pusher, Canada USA Ship direct from Warehouse
IOD Farmer Market Transfer Click Here
Faber Catel Pitt Pen: Amazon Canada Amazon USA
IOD Black Ink: Click Here
IOD Ink Pad: Click Here
DIY Big Top: Click Here
IOD Typeset Stamp: Click Here